it should be enough. to make something beautiful should be enough. it isn’t. it should be.

(the blog post title if from richard siken’ “landscape with a blur of conquerors” from war of the foxes–siken recently had a stroke, and there’s a gofundme to help with his rehabilitation if y’all have a few dollars and can help? that’s be solid of y’all) Continue reading

something dead that doesn’t know it’s dead. a painting, for instance. an abstraction.


that’s a line from richard siken’s poem “landscape w fruit rot and millipede”

it’s been a thing i’ve been resonating with–really, richard siken in general

so, i’ve returned to the world–well, i’m returning to the world slowly

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i am a disappointment

so–i’m not going to be at anime fusion this weekend after all because of medical things, which means that i’m feeling like i am just disappointing everyone and everything

and, this year has been a surfeit of me feeling like i’m disappointing people because of health and vehicle problems and other things

yeah, i’m doing really good with this here

today’s inktober/drawlloween/drawtober was “worst fear”, and disappointing people is one of my worst fears

i’m going to go have a nap

the new year

despite being told over and over that the beginning of the year is somehow this immense, new time of possibility, i can’t help but remember that our western new year is an arbitrary designation of “new” and “start” and “beginning”.

we begin when we begin, and having this imposed designation, i often think, just harms us more than it helps.

but, as with most things, your mileage may vary.

that all being said, there is a certain energy that permeates the west at the new year that does propel us all forward–whether we ascribe to the imposed “new” or not.

which is a weird, random way of saying that these were my projects from last year, and these are my projects for this year.

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lion con, a webcomic, and being a fanartist

so–lion con is this weekend in st. cloud!

i’m particularly pleased with vending at this con again because last year was its first year, which was an excellent if exhausting time, and this year is shaping up to be even better, so yay on justin and katie for making it happen again!

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#kitsunekon, #artour, character creation, & other suspects

hi, y’all, it’s been forever and ever and ever, but it has not all be for naught!  because i’ve been doing things like restructuring my patreon, formalizing my commissions, preparing for cons, and doing the writing thing (with potential ‘zines in the offing) bc i WILL have a completed a glittering venery novel-thing at some point, i swear.

(if you’re interested in reading some of what i’ve already written with deeply questionable editing, check the writing & books menu, or y’all could just click here.)


kitsune kon is this weekend in green bay, and i will be there, my intrepid cephalopods.  so, if you’re gonna be there, come by and see me!

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drive–by: animinneapolis, digital/sketch-a-days, and 9 years of blogging

so, first things the first.



so, yeah, i’m going to be heading out shortly so that i can set-up tonight.  i’ve got loads of things, but mostly, i have a bunch of new 1″ buttons because i’m a weirdo.

(i particularly fond of the “twee as fuck” and the “gender terrorist” ones.)

but, yeah, come and see me and maybe buy some things.

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